Enterprise Elementary School

Attendance Matters and Everyday Matters!

Attendance Matters!


At Enterprise Elementary we take pride in SOARING for EXCELLENCE. This applies to attendance too!


At the 7th unexcused absence, administration will meet with the parent to develop an attendance plan. Further absences will involve the county attendance officer.


We understand that students do get ill, but we need to make parents aware of children who have excessive absences. If your child has 10 or more absences (excused and unexcused combined, you will be receiving a letter explaining that any further absences for illnesses could require a doctor's note.)


Please continue to work with our office staff and your child’s teacher to make arrangements that limit your child’s time out of school. Our job is to do everything we can to give your child the best possible educational experience possible and great attendance will allow us to meet our goals!


PWCS Attendance Regulation: 724-1 Attendance, Absences, Excuses, Tardies

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact us at: 703-590-1558


Thank you!